


The below are the list of most frequent & popular daily tasks, not an exhaustive list


  • Operate and to answer and transfer phone calls ( if necessary , especially with Managing Partner) and provide information if assigned;
  • To receive guests and arrange drinks;
  • To supervise the cleaner in daily cleaning of;
  • To handle incoming and outgoing documents; faxes; etc
  • To ask for Express services and other suppliers if assigned;
  • To arrange appointments, make meeting requests and schedule for the partner
  • Overlook and co-ordinate the use of meeting rooms;
  • To ensure tidiness of reception area;

To perform other tasks assigned

  • Upkeep & maintaining the company’s and client’s seals; stamp official documents as per partner/director instruction;
  • Prepare & print official letters using letter head form and other documents for the partners when requested;
  • To take charge of the office devices: telephone; fax machine, photocopier; printers, attendance record machine…
  • To take control of administrative expenses; handling the shopping (biscuits, candies, coffee, tissue…) and issue of monthly and quarterly stationary to the office;
  • To look for the suppliers of printing ink, courier services, name card & stationary liaise & work directly with suppliers;
  • Handle the cashier job for the monthly expenses of the office such as telephone charges and other payments;
  • To arrange air-tickets, hotel accommodations, car for partners and;
  • To extend visa for staffs and clients if required;
  • To contact clients as per partner’s instruction;
  • To make photocopy; scan and fax documents ;to file client’s documents;
  • To draft documents & translation work as per instruction of partners
  • To remind and coordinate work-plan of all staffs on every Monday & prepare weekly tasks update to be submitted to the Managing Partner  before weekly staff meeting
  • Acting as personal assistant who help to organize work and managing time & schedule Prepare for Managing Partner;
  • To provide HR support works in recruitment activities;
  • To monitor personnel attendance; check attendance log; monthly and annual leave & report to Managing partner and Accountant Department
  • For newly joined- staffs:
    • To prepare orientation document package, stationary; office key; computer and send staff handbook for them to read carefully and sign;
    • To send the contacts of current staffs and guidance to use the phone for their information;
    • To send email to all staffs to introduce new comers
  • Leaving staffs:
    • To coordinate with the Accountant in some relevant works
    • To make a Handover Meeting Minutes and Absence Report for their filling and signature;
    • To receive stationary; key and other office belongings
  • To perform other administrative tasks assigned


  • To translate documents when requested

Consulate Officer:

  • To receive calls and act as contact person for the consular office in some matters when required.
  • To support the consular officer in consulate services
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