


Thị trường thương mại điện tử (“TMĐT”) tại Việt Nam hiện đang phát triển khá nhanh và dự kiến đạt 43 tỷ USD vào năm 2025, đứng thứ 3 trong khu vực Đông Nam Á.
The e-commerce market in Vietnam is currently growing quite rapidly and is expected to reach US$43 billion by 2025 to rank the third in ASEAN.
In November 2019, the government issued Decree No. 87/2019/ND-CP dated November 14, 2019 amending a number of articles of Decree No. 116/2013/ND-CP (“Decree 87”),
Electronic commerce (“E-commerce”) is one of the leading categories of the digital economy, where the advanced technologies
Since technology has become a common part of our lives, people tend to be careless about publicizing their personal information such as their telephone numbers, their emails, their addresses, etc. to use technology more easily or sometimes it is a compulsory condition
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